Ordinary high school student Takamiya Ze (voiced by Yusuke Kobayashi) lives an ordinary life. The most popular girl in the school, Ayaka Homuri (voiced by Asami Seto), who is called "Princess", is his classmate and his seatmate. Ayaka Homuri has a beautiful face and a good figure. She is always surrounded by a large group of fans. Takamiya Ze once thought that he would never have any intersection with her. But fate changed on this day. Ze accidentally picked up a strange rabbit doll and triggered a life-threatening disaster. At the critical moment, Ayaka Homuri, dressed as a witch, saved Ze. In a sea of fire, she said that Ze was her "princess" and her mission was to protect Ze. Ze was confused about this, but dangerous things followed one after another. What's more amazing is that Ze's class ushered in five witch transfer students, and his life has changed dramatically.