The wife of Inuzuka Kohei (voiced by Nakamura Yuichi), a high school math teacher, passed away, leaving behind his five-year-old daughter Inuzuka Hiki (voiced by Endo Rina) and her father. The kind and responsible Gongping carefully takes care of his daughter, but he is unable to cook, so the father and daughter have to use takeout to cope with three meals a day. One day, Gongping, who was taking his daughter to appreciate the flowers, met a student in his class, Iida Kotori (voiced by Hayami Saori), and learned that Kotori's mother ran a restaurant, so Gongping decided to take Hiki there for dinner. Who knew that the only person in the restaurant was Kotori, who was not good at cooking, so Kotori decided to cook in her mother's place, but in the end, it developed into three people cooking together. In this way, a food story full of warmth and laughter unfolded between the dining table and the kitchen.