Aoyama-kun (voiced by Ryutaro Okiayu) is a seed player of the football club of Fujimi High School. As a striker, he has extremely strong physical strength and explosive power. Legend has it that as long as he joins the team, he will always win the final victory in the game. However, although Aoyama-kun is very good at football, a sport that advocates physical collision and sweating, he himself is a person with extreme cleanliness and extremely hates physical contact. Even in the fiercely competitive arena, Aoyama-kun has to wear rubber gloves. Fighting with Aoyama-kun are the sturdy and arrogant Zaizen Xun (voiced by Tomokazu Seki), who is cold outside and warm inside, Kazuma Sakai (voiced by Soichiro Hoshi), who is calm and good at rational analysis, and exists like a military strategist, and Jin Tsukamoto (voiced by Daisuke Sakaguchi), who has the stunt of using his butt to head the ball.