Tsukamoto Tenma (voiced by Ami Koshimizu) is a high school student with a confused personality. Her positive personality and life are full of joy. However, the simple Tenma has a secret crush named Karasuma Ohji (voiced by Ryosei Konishi) in her heart, which makes the optimistic Tenma occasionally distressed. Karasuma Ohji has a watermelon head, excellent grades and all-round sports, but he seems perfect but has strange behavior and secrets that belong only to him. He is suffering from a terminal illness and will soon die. Harima Kenji (voiced by Hiroki Takahashi), who looks wild and has a rough personality, has a soft and innocent side in his heart. The name of this side is Tenma, but the innocent Tenma seems to have never noticed his feelings. When he mustered up the courage to confess to Tenma, the woman who appeared in front of him was the straightforward college idol Sawachika Airi (voiced by Yui Horie). Faced with Harima's fiery confession, Sawachika Airi had strange feelings in her heart. In Yagami High School, confused and happy campus life is staged every day.