The complete collection of the animation of the World of Darkness Picture Book is a collection of short animation programs about UFOs, UMAs, curses, ancient civilizations, supernatural powers, spiritual experiences, strange events, different-dimensional worlds, urban legends, etc. Combined with the world we live in today, the animation presents a gloomy shadow puppet style. The supernatural special issue published as the front page of a comic magazine from the 1950s to the 1960s is a strange book that people read carefully in the library of elementary schools. The paintings in it also have the nostalgic texture of Showa nostalgic drama paintings, and the animation reproduces this atmosphere. As you turn the pages of the picture book, you will find it full of surprising works. Iguchi Noboru, who directed "Death Sushi", is the chief director, and Yoshida Uronta is in charge of the script. In terms of voice actors, in addition to Saito Takumi, Watanabe Tetsu, Toi Katsumi, Takiguchi Yukihiro, Imagawa Aoi, etc. will all voice this work.