For Sato Tatsuhiro (voiced by Yutaka Koizumi), a dead otaku who has been living on his parents since he dropped out of school four years ago, today is also a day of staying at home. Suddenly, a knock on the door broke his daily delusion. When he opened the door, the beautiful girl who appeared at the door made Sato unable to believe his eyes, and the words said by the beautiful girl also surprised Sato speechless. It turned out that the girl's name was Misaki Nakahara (voiced by Yui Makino), who claimed to be a member of the "Japanese Wastewood Association", and the purpose of her visit was to help Sato cheer up and get out of the ranks of wastewood. Is Kaoru Yamazaki (voiced by Daisuke Sakaguchi), who has been living next door to the anime girl control, also a member of the association? The first task of entering the association is to make H games? Nakahara, who always claims to help himself, is also a wastewood who can only find a sense of existence by helping others? The occurrence of many events made Sato gradually begin to suspect that this so-called association is likely to be a conspiracy.