Nathan's Kingdom is a science fiction novel that tells the coming of age drama of Laura, a 19-year-old drifter who won't surrender to social services for her 25-year-old autistic brother Nathan, whom she takes on an impossible mission to find a virtual kingdom that only exists in Nathan's imagination, but turns out to be so real; it changes their lives forever. To cope with the hardships of a broken home, Laura spent her younger years hiding her emotions and playing with her self-appointed best friend, Nathan. Together, they invent a virtual safe haven called "The Kingdom" and promise each other to find it one day. Ten years pass, and adulthood arrives. Laura takes Nathan to live in Los Angeles while she works as a professional actress, but things don't go as planned. Nathan demands that they find his kingdom and take revenge on her when she doesn't keep her childhood promise. Laura fails in her career and eventually loses all hope in herself. No money, no place to live, nothing...