Born in Tokyo, Nozomi Tsumura originally had a dream of becoming a baker, but her father, Toru Tsumura (Yo Oizumi), who was full of unrealistic ideas, put the family's life in crisis. She and her brother were forced to follow her father and mother Aiko (Takako Tokiwa) to flee to Sotoura Village on the Noto Peninsula overnight to survive. The family finally gained the trust of the locals and settled down in the home of Motoharu and Sister Wen (Yuko Tanaka) who were drying salt. But Toru was stubborn, so that Xiaoxi (Tao Tsuchiya) hated his father's actions so much that she threw away her dream early, hoping to get a job in the local city government and live her life steadily and honestly. It's just that fate always turns around inadvertently, and the girl who felt unprecedented throbbing inadvertently regained her dream. She deviated from the life path she had planned for herself and moved towards the goal of a delicious pastry chef...