On the surface, Kotoura Haruka (voiced by Hisako Kanemoto) is an ordinary girl with a cute appearance, but only she knows how much trouble she has with the superpower that can read other people's hearts. From childhood to adulthood, Kotoura didn't know how much damage she had suffered because of this superpower, and closing her heart seemed to be the only way to reduce the pain. In this way, Kotoura was promoted to high school. She thought that her repressed life would continue, but unexpectedly, the appearance of a group of friends completely changed her life. Yoshihisa Manabe (voiced by Jun Fukushima), who looks sloppy but is very innocent in her heart, Yuriko Mifune (voiced by Kana Hanazawa), who is determined to prove that superpowers do exist, and Hiyori Moriya (voiced by Yurika Kubo), who is arrogant and naive, accompanied by these friends, Kotoura experienced a positive energy, and the relationship between her and Manabe also changed subtly.