Once upon a time, Kobayashi Sanpei (voiced by Kitamura Eri) had a romantic agreement with a girl. Ten years later, although the two have long been separated, Kobayashi has never forgotten this beautiful memory and always hopes to get news from the girl again. On an ordinary morning, when Kobayashi opened his eyes, he found a robot with red clothes and green hair appeared beside him. The robot was named Kamek (voiced by Saito Chiwa). It came to find Kobayashi this time to marry him. In this way, Kobayashi began to live with Kamek inexplicably. At the same time, Kobayashi was accompanied by his childhood sweetheart Makihara Izumi (voiced by Takahashi Mikako), the radio girl Hayakawa Misaki (voiced by Kugimiya Rie) and the search officer Kurosaki Ryoko (voiced by Shiraishi Ryoko).