The ruthless and cruel justice messenger, the Punisher Castle (voiced by Brian Bloom), met the Black Widow (voiced by Jennifer Carpenter) and the commander of SHIELD, Fury (voiced by John Eric Bentley) while tracking down the arms dealer Cain (voiced by Kyle Hebert). SHIELD aims to prevent the cutting-edge weapons technology they have developed from being obtained by terrorist organizations such as Leviathan, so it is urgent to find the stolen technical data along the line of Cain. Castle, who advocates individualism, finally accepted Fury's advice and formed a temporary partner with the Black Widow. However, Castle would never easily follow the arrangements of others. During the action, he insisted on catching the evil Cain, and he had repeated disputes with the Black Widow. On the other hand, the Black Widow accidentally met Elias (voiced by Grant George), her lover who had been in SHIELD and should have died long ago. From the other side, she learned about the terrible plan that Leviathan was carrying out...