In the light music club of Sakuragaoka High School, four funny and cute girls, Yui Hirasawa (voiced by Toyosaki Aoi), Mio Akiyama (voiced by Hikasa Yoko), Ritsu Tainaka (voiced by Sato Satomi) and Tsumugi Kotobuki (voiced by Kotobuki Minako), are about to graduate. In order to commemorate this last moment, they decided to organize their own graduation trip. After some hilarious discussions, the girls finally locked their destination in London, England. They were accompanied by their schoolmate Azusa Nakano (voiced by Taketatsu Ayana), who was also in the light music club. Yui and the other four discussed that they would compose a song for Azusa before graduation as a farewell gift. While they were dealing with various situations during the trip, they had to complete the creation as soon as possible. The old-fashioned London was also infected by the girls' youthful and cheerful atmosphere... This film is adapted from the four-frame comic of the same name by Japanese cartoonist Kakifly (かきふらい).