Kino (voiced by Ai Maeda) is a traveler who travels around the world. Her partner is called "Elumes", a talking motorcycle. Kino and Elumes travel to various countries, and each time they only stay in the country for three days to understand the customs and habits of the country. After three days, she leaves for another place. Kino was originally an unknown girl in the "Country of Adults". The country stipulates that children must undergo surgery to become "adults" at the age of 12. Because she was influenced by the traveler Kino, she didn't want to become an "adult", so she fled her country on Elumes, and began to travel around the world in the name of Kino... This work is an alternative fantasy fable theme, telling the story of Kino's travel in the form of a unit drama. The audience follows Kino to travel to various countries of all kinds. Behind the seemingly absurd customs of each country is the author's thinking and questioning of his own world. This animation is adapted from the light novel "Kino's Journey" by Keiichi Shigurezawa.