Since the end of the last season, Bojack (voiced by Will Arnett) has lost his news and no news. Mr. Peanutbutter (voiced by Paul F. Tompkins) decided to run for governor. As his wife, Diane (voiced by Alison Brie), although she had a hundred reluctances in her heart, she still had to choose to help. Princess Catherine (played by Amy Sedaris)'s love seemed to be going smoothly. However, when she went to her boyfriend's house as a guest, she found that a cat wanted to be with a mouse and had to accept countless severe tests. A little mare named Huoli found Bojack and claimed that she might be his daughter. In desperation, Bojack had to take Huoli on a journey to find her mother. At the same time, Bojack's mother Beatrice was driven out of the nursing home, and Bojack took her home. This time, Bojack's family really returned to him.