The sequel of the story of the eldest daughter of a wealthy family, Miwako Kobe (played by Kyoko Fukada), who solves cases as a criminal policeman. The Silvercat, a diamond handed down from the Nishimura family, is coveted by others. The criminal killed the housekeeper of the Count's family and fled without leaving any clues at the scene. The police were at a loss for the whole incident, but Miwako proposed to auction the diamond on a luxury ship and then catch the criminal on the spot. This is really a fantasy in the eyes of other policemen. Whether the criminal will fall into the trap is not to mention whether the huge cost invested in it is not something the police can afford. However, Miwako expressed her willingness to bear all the expenses. This "luxury crime-solving method" that Miwako often used really made other police officers angry, but Miwako always used her aristocratic life experience and unusual thinking to solve the case beautifully!