After Shrek (voiced by Mike Myers) lived happily with Princess Fiona (voiced by Cameron Diaz) and the triplets, he became dissatisfied with the dull life day after day. After a fierce quarrel with Princess Fiona, he met the magician Rumpelstiltskin (voiced by Walt Dohrn) and signed a magic treaty with him to "change one day for another". But Shrek didn't expect that Rumpelstiltskin took away the day he was born. As a result, the entire Faraway Kingdom became unrecognizable. Rumpelstiltskin became the king and sent countless witches to hunt ogres for slaves. If Shrek can't get Princess Fiona's true love kiss before sunrise, he will disappear completely. Anxious Shrek met his good friend Mule (voiced by Eddie Murphy) again, and Puss in Boots (voiced by Antonio Banderas) became Princess Fiona's pet fat cat. With their help, Shrek tried his best to win the heart of Princess Fiona, but unfortunately things did not go as smoothly as he had imagined...