Aino Aoshi (voiced by Ono Kensho) is an ordinary high school boy who can be seen everywhere. One day, he met a girl named Guli (voiced by Aoyama Yoshino), and was unexpectedly involved in a love storm full of pink atmosphere. It turns out that Guli's true identity is the daughter of the devil. She has a powerful "kiss note". The person whose name is written in the note must kiss others within 24 hours, otherwise Guli will die. In an accident, Guli wrote Aoshi's name in the notebook, which means that if he can't kiss, Aoshi will face the tragic fate of "being single for life". The simple-looking and dark-hearted Hiyama Akane (voiced by Numakura Aimi), the arrogant and lively karate girl Aino Akua (voiced by Takahashi Rie), and the super-perseverant Huang Diezaki Yuzu (voiced by Nagano Yuki), who can help Aoshi out of trouble?