The story of "Night School" tells the story of an unemployed vagrant and a double-lost inventor (MC Zhang Tianfu and Ling Wenlong) who kidnapped the body of the city's richest man and extorted 300 million! They even hid the body in an abandoned school. This absurd plan was originally carried out flawlessly, but they never expected that on the same night, in the same abandoned school, the corpse-stealing duo would encounter the second generation of the gang (played by Wu Zhaoxuan) who kidnapped the leader of the society to avenge his father; five beautiful anchors who wandered around the abandoned school to do psychic live broadcasts (played by Huang Xiyi, Chen Yilin, Li Jingyi, Guo Yixin, Fang Yonglin). The three gangs, each with their own agenda, gathered at the abandoned school and started a hilarious battle of wits. Will the plan to steal the corpse and treasure be uncovered? Can they successfully extort 300 million in ransom?