Tokyo Police Co., Ltd., also known as the "Tokyo Cruel Police", is a privatized police organization established in the near future. Their power is even above the law. In the name of protecting people's lives and safety, they torture and kill all criminals cruelly. Not only criminals are afraid of tigers, but even ordinary citizens are also terrified. Her fair and kind father was killed. The girl Ryuka (played by Shiina Eiji) who was raised by the director since childhood joined the Tokyo Cruel Police Force when she grew up and became a capable female police officer. At that time, a mutant race called "technicians" was rampant in the world. They would turn murder weapons from wounds, which was extremely harmful. In order to eradicate these monsters, the police force launched a large-scale search and massacre, and even ordinary citizens were not spared. In the process of chasing the mastermind behind the scenes, Ryuka's faith gradually began to waver... Director Yoshihiro Nishimura has served as a stunt director for films such as "Circular Suicide" and "Human Meat Machine".