Aono Tsukune (voiced by Daisuke Kishio) is an ordinary high school boy. In the entrance examination, Tsukune performed poorly, resulting in an embarrassing situation of having no school to go to. At this time, a school called Yanghai Academy threw an olive branch to Tsukune. This is the only hope for Tsukune to continue to receive education. Of course, Tsukune accepted it without hesitation. However, Yanghai Academy is not an ordinary school. It is a school dedicated to various monsters. Normally, humans are not allowed to enter the campus. Once their true identity is discovered, they will be killed by monsters. By chance, Tsukune met a vampire girl named Moeka (voiced by Nana Mizuki). Moeka accidentally discovered that Tsukune's blood was supremely delicious, so she decided to help Tsukune conceal his identity and survive in this school.