Ninagawa Amuro (voiced by Toyosaki Aoi) has lived by the sea since she was a child. She has great swimming skills and is a lively and cheerful girl. This year, she will transfer to the famous Prefectural Maritime High School to start a new study life. What kind of good luck will be waiting for her? As soon as she entered the school, Amuro chose the swimming club she loved. Unexpectedly, the useless manager and director Okura Kaname (voiced by Toyonaga Toshiyuki) was actually a landlubber who dared not even touch the water. In the swimming club, Amuro met many like-minded friends: the strong and competitive Momoko Orizuka (voiced by Namatame Hitomi), the short and young-looking Ikuta Maki (voiced by Shimizu Ai), and the pure-looking but lustful Shizuoka Meiling (voiced by Fukui Yukari). With the support and encouragement of Amuro, Okura Kaname gradually began to try the swimming sport that he was very afraid of before. And the relationship between him and Amuro does not seem to be as simple as that between the director and the member.