As the leader of the Rose Division, Taki (voiced by Chiba Jinshin) must remain pure and noble. Only in this way can he live up to the expectations and trust of 20,000 soldiers. The one who has been guarding Taki is a foreign man named Klaus (voiced by Inoue Kazuhiko). He fell in love with Taki at first sight when he was a child. In order to be with him, he gave up his nationality and dignity, and also bore the strange eyes of his colleagues. All this could not defeat Klaus's determination to be with Taki, but what really made him angry and puzzled was that Taki, who had invited him to come to him, was extremely cold to him who really fulfilled his promise. Taki has his own unspeakable secrets, but his arrogant character makes him unable to confess his heart when facing Klaus. It was under such circumstances that Klaus could not help but do things that hurt Taki. The war began, and rumors about Klaus intensified. The Security Bureau arrested him as a traitor and tortured him severely, but Klaus refused to reveal a word out of loyalty to Taki. The military wanted to eliminate Klaus, who was already worthless, but at this critical moment, Taki's beautiful figure appeared in front of Klaus.