Sakurai Yuzuki (voiced by Hoshi Soichiro), a high school student who grew up in an orphanage, is a gentle boy, but there is something that has been bothering him. Yuzuki has a special ability, that is, once he touches the other person, he can know the other person's inner thoughts, which makes Yuzuki feel very painful and does not know the meaning of his existence. Until one day, he met a mysterious man named Zes (voiced by Sakurai Takahiro). Zes told Yuzuki to remember not to go out on the night of the red moon, otherwise he would be killed. The encounter between the two opened the key to the door of all stories, and the gears of fate began to turn again. Incredible things happened one after another around Yuzuki and Zes, and Zes and Yuzuki actually knew each other for a long time and had an extraordinary relationship... This film is adapted from the manga of the same name by cartoonist Odagiri Hotaru.