The story takes place in the private Suzaku High School. Yamada Ryu (voiced by Ryouta Oosaka) is a well-known bad boy on campus. His classmates and teachers would rather avoid him when they see him, and Yamada Ryu himself hates the boring and restrictive campus life. One day, an accident caused him to exchange bodies with the top student Shiraishi Rei (voiced by Saori Hayami), so he learned the secret hidden in Shiraishi's heart and joined the supernatural research club at the instigation of his classmate Miyamura Toranosuke (voiced by Toshiki Masuda). Other members of the club include Ito Masa (voiced by Maaya Uchida), who is super fascinated by supernatural events, and Tsubaki Kentaro (voiced by Hisaharu Sasaki). Several people were ordered by the black-bellied student council president Haruma Yamazaki (voiced by Jun Fukuyama) to investigate the existence of witches on campus, thus opening the door to a new world.