On the rice cake mountain lives a witch apprentice named Cha Cha (voiced by Suzuki Shinji). For Cha Cha, the days of training with her master Seravi (voiced by Izumi Reito), her friends Leah (voiced by Katori Shingo) and Shinai (voiced by Hidaka Houko) are very happy. Cha Cha has a magic gem representing love. With the help of her friends' courage and hope, she can transform into a powerful magic girl. But why this gem is in Cha Cha's hands is always a mystery. It turns out that Cha Cha was originally a princess of the magic kingdom, but the big devil attacked the magic kingdom and turned her parents into stone statues. Fortunately, with Seravi's rescue, Cha Cha escaped everything. Cha Cha, who learned the truth, decided to avenge her parents with the help of her partners. In this way, the three embarked on a dangerous journey.