Sena Izumi (voiced by Dai Yongyi) was born into a performing arts family. His parents and brother are both popular celebrities, but Izumi is an ordinary college student and an introverted and gloomy otaku who dreams of becoming a cartoonist. His personality stems from an advertisement shoot ten years ago. Izumi was temporarily arranged to play the role of a female flower girl. His partner at the time was Ryoma Ichijo (voiced by Takuya Eguchi), who played the role of a male flower girl. The failure in the shoot made Izumi afraid of the entertainment industry from then on. On the contrary, Ryoma Ichijo went smoothly on the road of performing arts and became a hot idol star, but he had always been in love with the crying little flower girl. Ten years later, Izumi received an advertisement invitation again, and his partner was still Ryoma Ichijo. Izumi, who wanted to refuse, once again dressed as a woman under the coercion and inducement of her family. The reunion ten years later made Ryoma very excited and surprised. He even confessed to "Miss Izumi" after the shooting, but found that the Izumi he had been dreaming about for ten years was actually a man?