The story takes place in the future world, when a life form called "HUGE" appeared out of thin air and brought the fate of mankind to the brink of extinction. At this time, countries around the world united to invent weapons that could compete with HUGE, and the girl who only used these weapons was called Lily. Soon, specialized schools "Garden" for training Lily were established all over the world. Each school has its own name and characteristics. Our heroine Ichiyanagi Riri (trained by Akao Hikaru) studied at Yurigaoka Girls' School. Shirai Yume (voiced by Natsuki Yuko), who is cold and has a strong personality, Nouvel (voiced by Izawa Mikako), a rich lady born with a golden spoon, and Nigawa Nisui (voiced by Nishimoto Satomi), who has a super high IQ and a broad knowledge base. At school, Riri met these companions who fought side by side.