The story takes place in a seaside town called Mishimasaki. A transfer student named Kazami Yuji (voiced by Sakurai Takahiro) comes to the private Mihama Academy. However, what Yuji didn't expect is that there are only five students in the academy, and all of them are women. In this way, within the small high walls, Yuji's new life begins. The beautiful but lonely eldest lady Sakaki Yumiko (voiced by Tanaka Ryoko), the cheerful and lively, slightly boyish Suho Amane (voiced by Taguchi Hiroko), the stubborn and arrogant Matsushima Mitsuru (voiced by Mizuhashi Kaori), the innocent and cute Irina Makina (voiced by Min'an Chie) but with a tragic past, and the devoted natural Komine Yuki (voiced by Shimizu Ai), five girls who seem innocent on the surface, but each has a dark past. Can Yuji's arrival clear the haze in their hearts?