Nariyuki Yuiga (voiced by Ryouta Oosaka) is a young man who looks very ordinary. His only advantage is that he has achieved good grades in every subject. There is a special VIP recommendation quota in the school that can exempt students from exams and tuition fees. In order to get this quota, Nariyuki took the initiative to offer to serve as an educational instructor to help his classmates study. The rich girl Fumino Furuhashi (voiced by Haruka Shiraishi), known as the "Sleeping Beauty of the Forest of Literature", the science prodigy Ogata Rizu (voiced by Miyu Tomita), known as the "Thumbelina with Ingenious Mechanisms", and the swimming team seed player Takemoto Junka (voiced by Sayumi Suzuyo), known as the "Silver Black Mermaid Princess", need Nariyuki's guidance. Originally thought to be a very easy job, I didn't expect that although these three girls are very good in one aspect, they are really surprising in the subjects they are not good at.