The story takes place in a school on an isolated island, where all the students are supernatural beings with special skills. These children are told that a disaster will happen in the near future, and in order to be able to deal with the "enemies of humanity" that are coming, they must receive survival training on this isolated island. The cute Nana Hiiragi (voiced by Rumi Okubo) who has the ability to read minds, Kyotani Onodera (voiced by Yuichi Nakamura) who can heal himself no matter what kind of injuries he suffers, Yohei Shibusawa (voiced by Toshiki Masuda) who can stop time, Man Inukai (voiced by Mai Nakahara) who has the ability to heal other people's injuries, Nanao Nakajima (voiced by Hiro Shimono) who can make the abilities of other supernatural beings ineffective. When deaths begin to occur in the school, can these children use their abilities to protect each other?