Yoshida Yuko (voiced by Ohara Yoshimi) was originally a very ordinary female high school student, but she did not know that by chance she had awakened the power of the demon clan hidden in her blood. The ancestor Lilith (voiced by Takahashi Minami) appeared in front of Yoshida Yuko and told Yoshida Yuko that she had the responsibility to defeat the biggest enemy of the demon clan-the witch of the light clan. Due to the influence of the curse of the light clan, Yoshida Yuko's family has always lived in poverty. So Yoshida Yuko defeated the light clan not only for the honor of the demon clan, but also for herself. Yoshida Yuko's opponent is a magical girl named Chiyoda Momo (voiced by Kito Akari). Compared with Chiyoda Momo, Yoshida Yuko's magic power is obviously much weaker, so she has been defeated repeatedly. In the process of repeated defeats, Yoshida Yuko actually developed a ridiculous friendship with Chiyoda Momo.