Usami Mizuki (voiced by Ozawa Ari) is a member of the school's art club. In her opinion, this art club is really problematic. First, the number of members is pitifully small; second, the director (voiced by Kentaro Tone) is idle all day, lying on the sofa and sleeping; most importantly, another member with a talent for painting, Uchimaki Subaru (voiced by Kobayashi Yusuke), is only interested in the second dimension, and his highest ideal is to draw the "most perfect second dimension bride". As the only normal member of the art club, Usami Mizuki is always worried about this "problematic" art club. What's more, she is even more troubled by the fact that she actually secretly likes Uchimaki, who is only interested in second dimension girls, but he actually wants to quit the club? ... This animation is adapted from the comics of Japanese cartoonist Imigimuru.