In the middle of the last century, the dark and gloomy Shonan Special Juvenile Institute Second Dormitory Sixth Room welcomed new residents: Mizukami Mario (voiced by Oguri Shun), who was arrested for assault and attempted murder, the strong and powerful Toyama Tadayoshi (voiced by Kuroda Takashi), Maeda Noboru (voiced by Park Romi), Yokosuka Jo (voiced by Hazen Tatsuya), who has an exotic handsome face, Matsuura Mansaku (voiced by Waki Chihiro), a drunk and violent man of extraordinary strength, and Nomoto Ryuji (voiced by Fujiwara Keiji). The dark past and sad childhood made the future of these teenagers full of despair. Fortunately, the senior of the Second Dormitory Sixth Room, Sakuragi Rokurota (voiced by Koyama Riki), took on the responsibility of educating the teenagers. In the complicated post-war Japanese society and the chaotic and dark juvenile detention center, Sakuragi led the six teenagers to move forward towards the glorious dream... This film is adapted from the original manga of the same name by Abe Joji (but the cartoonist Kakizaki Masumi is the painter).