Binchotan (voiced by Nonaka Ai) is a petite blue-haired girl who lives alone in an old house in the forest in traditional kimono. Although living alone can be lonely sometimes, Binchotan, who is simple, cheerful and hardworking, still decides to cherish every day. Fortunately, the days of loneliness are not too long. Soon, a group of equally lovely friends gathered around Binchotan. She also made Quertan (voiced by Nogawa Sakura), who was born in a deep house, understand that her own destiny should be controlled by herself. In addition, the timid but smart Taketan (voiced by Kadowaki Mai), her sister Takerin (voiced by Fukuen Misato), the natural Eucalyptus Tan (voiced by Nakahara Mai), the ordinary Aloe (voiced by Saito Momoko) and the arrogant and cute Rentan (voiced by Sato Rina), all of them regard Binchotan as their indispensable friends. In the cabin in the deep forest, Binchotan's happy day begins again.