Utena Tenjo (voiced by Rinko Kawakami) lost her parents when she was young. One day, she met a handsome prince who gave her a ring and told her that this ring might allow them to meet again in the distant future. The prince's handsome figure and gentle words left a deep impression on Utena's heart, and she hoped that she could be so elegant in the end. Under the guidance of the ring, Utena entered Feng Academy, where a popular game called Prince Game was popular. The winner of the duel could get the "Rose Bride" Ansei Himemiya (voiced by Yuriko Fuchizaki) and become her ruler. Saionji Kazuichi (played by Takeshi Kusao) is Ansei's current master, but Utena eventually defeated him and got Ansei. As time went on, a deep friendship developed between Utena and Ansei.