The story of this new "Star Wars" animated series "Star Wars: Rebels" takes place in the era between the third and fourth episodes of "Star Wars" (the Empire Strikes Back, which destroyed the last Jedi Knight). Dave Filoni, the director of the "Star Wars: Clone Wars" animated series, will serve as the producer of this new animated series. The art concept in the film will adopt the works of the late sci-fi master Ralph McCourt, who designed classic characters and scenes for the "Star Wars" series of films. "Star Wars: Rebels" will continue the tradition of Star Wars epic adventures. This is a dark moment in the galaxy. The evil Galactic Empire has occupied a remote planet with iron rule and carried out all kinds of evil deeds that destroy the lives of its people, but a group of people bravely stand up to resist. This group of people will face the threat of threatening villains, experience thrilling adventures, and become heroes.