In the heart of the Amazon jungle, expedition scientists Tulio (voiced by Rodrigo Santoro) and Linda (voiced by Leslie Mann) discovered the nearly extinct wild blue Spix's macaw. The couple announced this amazing news to the world through TV. Seeing this scene, Pearl (voiced by Anne Hathaway) persuaded her husband Blue (voiced by Jesse Eisenberg) to take three naughty and cute parrot babies who have been accustomed to the life in the human civilized world and return to their hometown where they have grown for thousands of years to find their kind. The parrot family left as soon as they said they would, and embarked on a thrilling and fun aerial journey with their good friends. At the same time, an illegal logging group saw the news, and in order to prevent Tulio and his wife from obstructing their crimes, they also took action quietly. On the other hand, Niger, a sulphur-crested cockatoo who had a long-standing grudge against Blue, discovered Blue's traces and took action angrily. The Blue family's most extraordinary vacation is heading in an unexpected direction...