15-year-old girl Suzuhara Izumi (voiced by Hayami Saori) has lived in the depths of Tamakura Mountain on the Kumano Kodo since she was a child. She is introverted, not good at socializing, and has a physique that makes the surrounding electrical appliances malfunction. Izumi, who is about to enter high school, is in love for the first time. She secretly trims her bangs, but she doesn't know what immeasurable impact this will have. The girl was originally arranged to go to high school in Tokyo, but in order to respect her own wishes, her guardian Sagara Yukimasa (voiced by Fukuyama Jun) arranged for his son Fukayuki (voiced by Uchiyama Koki) to transfer to Tamakura Mountain Kuriya Middle School and shoulder the responsibility of protecting Izumi. It turns out that Izumi, as "Feng Yi", has the mysterious power of Himejin sealed in her body, which makes her the object of all kinds of evil things coveting to hurt. The boy and girl, who originally had different personalities, understand each other after the panic of the Tokyo school trip. Under the protection of Fukayuki, they will face major challenges... This film is adapted from the novel by Noriko Ogiwara.