Makoto Kobata (voiced by Minami Shinoda) is an apprentice witch and a 15-year-old first-year high school girl. There is an established rule in the witch world that after the 15-year-old coming-of-age ceremony, witches have to go out into society and start living alone to practice witch training. As a result, Makoto came to Aomori Prefecture alone, lived in the home of her cousin Kei Kuramoto (voiced by Shinsuke Sugawara), transferred to a high school here, and started a new life. Here, Makoto met many kind friends, including Chinatsu Kuraki (voiced by Eri Suzuki), who is innocent and a little afraid of witches, Nao Ishiwatari (voiced by Eori Mikami), who runs a liquor store at home, Inugami (voiced by Mari Hino), who accidentally took magic potion and turns into a dog face during the day, and Kyoko Shiina (voiced by Yuka Iguchi), who runs a coffee shop with her mother and ghost Hina (voiced by Hisako Kanemoto). With the company of these friends, the play with laughter and tears kicked off.