Sakura (voiced by Tange Sakura) who is extremely lucky won the special prize when buying stationery, a trip to Hong Kong. This unexpected surprise made Sakura extremely excited. The final result of the discussion was that Sakura, Tomoyo (voiced by Iwao Junko), Touya (voiced by Seki Tomokazu) and Snow Rabbit (voiced by Ogata Megumi) went to Hong Kong for a trip. After the four arrived in Hong Kong, Sakura caught a strange breath and followed the four. During the chase, Sakura accidentally met Syaoran (voiced by Kumai Motoko) and Meiling (voiced by Nogami Yukana). The four were taken home by Syaoran as guests. Sakura had a strange dream at Syaoran's house. Afterwards, Syaoran's mother told her that the reason was that Sakura's powerful power easily attracted magic power, and told Sakura to be wary of water. The scene in the dream seemed to be a preview, and this trip to Hong Kong seemed to be controlled by someone in the dark...