The official anime adaptation of "Kishibe Rohan, Ichiban Shiki" from "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" by Hirohiko Araki announced today at the "2020 Netflix Online Anime Festival" event held by Netflix that it will be re-launched exclusively on Netflix worldwide. The original story of "Kishibe Rohan, Ichiban Shiki" is about Rohan Kishibe, who has a stand called "Heaven's Gate". As a talented manga artist who debuted at the age of 16, his Heaven's Gate can turn people into a book, allowing him to read other people's life experiences or thoughts, and can also use written narration to change other people's behavior. The four OVA works previously launched in Japan, "Confession Room", "Rokubikizaka", "Mura Toyohira" and "THERUN", were announced today at the "2020 Netflix Online Anime Festival" event to be launched online in 2021 as a global exclusive.