Aono Tsukune (voiced by Daisuke Kishio) is an ordinary boy. By chance, he failed the exam and entered Yanghai Academy to start a new high school life. Who knows that Yanghai Academy is a monster academy where all kinds of monsters gather. What kind of fate will Aono, who is still unaware of it, have here? In the academy, a cute girl named Akaye Moeka (voiced by Nana Mizuki) made Aono unforgettable for a long time, but what he didn't know was that Moeka's true identity was actually a vampire. In addition, the dream demon Kurono Kumen (voiced by Misato Fukuen), who has the ability to hypnotize, the eccentric witch Fairy Purple (voiced by Takashiko Furuyama), and the stalker snow girl Shirayuki Miyuki (voiced by Rie Kugimiya), these monsters with sexy or cute appearances appeared next to Aono one after another and sent courtship signals to Aono. For a time, Aono fell into a difficult situation.