Yuzuru Otonashi (voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya) came to the world after death. After waking up, he found that he was in a school. A girl named Yuri Nakamura (voiced by Hiromi Sakurai) asked him to join the "Intolerable Death Front", abbreviated as SSS. Their mission is to fight the enemy-the angel Tachibana Kanade (voiced by Kana Hanazawa), the representative of God and the student council president. Yuri is the leader of this front. As long as they resist the angels, they can continue to exist, and if they destroy the angels, they can gain the world. Otonashi, who has not yet recovered his memory, had to agree to join their organization, but he found that the angels were invulnerable to swords and guns, and they would not be injured or die. The so-called enemies and battles are all aimed at the angel Tachibana Kanade alone. Otonashi has not recovered his memory yet, and he is not sure whether such behavior is justified. The truth is slowly revealed, and young lives died early. Is it a malicious joke of God or is there another arrangement...