Kamita Masakazu (voiced by Atsushi Tanaka) is an extremely ordinary second-year high school boy with a serious appearance, but he often falls into wild fantasies. After filling out the volunteer survey form, Masakazu suddenly realized that he was standing at a fork in the road of life, and he had infinite hope and a little uneasiness about the future. The optimistic and cheerful class idol Chang Mu Yao (voiced by Sakura Ayane), Masakazu's childhood sweetheart Momono Kyoko (voiced by Kimura Juri), the tough but gentle Hiyama Mizuha (voiced by Izawa Shiori), the weak, introverted and unconfident Kamisaki Mashi (voiced by Mikami Eori), and the agile football player Miyamae Toru (voiced by Shimoji Shino), in the last days of youth, what kind of story will happen to Masakazu and these girls with different personalities?