Hanabata Yoshiko (voiced by Yuuki Aoi) is a real idiot. Not only does she have zero learning ability and often gets zero marks on exams, but in life, she is also a problem person who doesn't know the way at all and always gets into all kinds of trouble for no reason. However, although Yoshiko is stupid, she has a shining and kind heart. Akatsuaki Akira (voiced by Sugita Tomokazu) is just the opposite of Yoshiko. He has a very smart mind, but he is not good at anything related to sports. He has always been by Yoshiko's side, taking care of her studies and life. The gentle and confused Sumino Sayaka (voiced by Harada Ayaka) is Yoshiko's only and best friend. Her words and deeds are often led astray by Yoshiko without her knowing it. The head of the Discipline Committee (voiced by Uesaka Sumire) has a crush on Akira Akira. Yoshiko is a love rival for her.