Watase Aoba (voiced by Yoshitsugu Matsuoka) is an ordinary high school student at Seiyo High School. Aoba has a calm personality and a strong and agile physique, and is a reliable existence in the eyes of his friends. One day, Aoba was attacked violently by a strange machine. At this juncture, another machine appeared and saved Aoba. The one who saved Aoba was a girl named Yumihara Hina (voiced by Saori Hayami). On the surface, she was just Aoba's classmate, but in fact, Hina came from the future and lurked beside Aoba specifically to protect him. An accident brought Aoba and Hina to the future world, where Aoba also became a machine pilot and met his lifelong friend Dio (voiced by Koki Uchiyama). In this world full of crises and battles, can Aoba survive?