The story takes place in Kitakomachi Prefectural High School. Hanasaki Ayano (voiced by Owada Hitomi) is a girl who has just entered the first grade. She has developed athletic nerves since she was a child, but she deliberately avoids badminton, which she is very good at. By chance, Ayano met the captain of the school badminton club, Nagisa Aragaki (voiced by Shimabukuro Miyuri), and took this opportunity to join the badminton club. The rational thinking and clear mind of the deputy general Izumi Riko (voiced by Mimura Aki), Fujisawa Erina (voiced by Ohara Yoshimi), who has a strong personality but is actually very considerate, Tachibana Kentaro (voiced by Okamoto Nobuhiko), the badminton coach who was once the strongest player but eventually gave up his career, and the consultant Taro Marumiyako (voiced by Komatsu Mikako) who knows nothing about badminton, surrounded by Ayano, are these like-minded friends and teachers.