The peaceful and tranquil city of Mitakihara is protected by the magical girls Madoka Kaname (voiced by Aoi Yuuki), Sayaka Miki (voiced by Eri Kitamura), Mami Tomoe (voiced by Kaori Mizuhashi) and Apricot Sakura (voiced by Aoi Nonaka). They have defeated the "nightmare" generated from the depths of the human soul time and time again, and surrounded the city, family and friends they cherish most. On this day, the beautiful girl Homura Akemi (voiced by Chiwa Saito) came to Madoka's class as a transfer student. Madoka and the others unexpectedly discovered that Akemi was also one of the magical girls. After that, the five magical girls worked together to solve the crises brought about by nightmares one after another. Their friendship is deep and they get along very well, but Akemi is vaguely uneasy about the sense of disharmony that is always around them. One day, she asked Apricot to go to Kazami with her to find out, but the two of them went to great lengths and couldn't get out of Mitakihara. Akemi finally realized that she and her friends seemed to be sealed in the witch's barrier by someone. The endless cycle of reincarnation and the illusion of love have plunged the girls into an endless abyss of chaos...