Ten years after the Jedi Knights defeated the Sith Apprentices, the Galactic Republic is threatened again. Former Jedi Knight Count Dooku (Christopher Lee) instigated thousands of star systems to break with the Republic and built a large number of robot armies to prepare for the coup. Amidala (Natalie Portman) of Naboo arrived at Coruskan as a senator after completing her term as queen, determined to cast a crucial vote for the establishment of the Republic Army. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) and the grown-up Anakin (Hayden Christensen) were ordered to protect Amidala's safety. While Anakin was escorting Amidala back to Naboo for refuge, the two fell in love and decided to go to Tatooine together to find Anakin's mother. At the same time, Obi-Wan tracked down the assassin's whereabouts all the way to Geonosis and discovered Count Dooku's conspiracy, but he himself was imprisoned and in danger... This film was nominated for the 75th Academy Award for Best Visual Effects in 2003.