High School Student's Ritsuka Yamayama, Mafuyu Sato's Song of Songs, Okinawa Shou, and Haruki Nakayama , Kaji Akihiko's group んでいるバンドにボーカルとして真 Winter を joined させる. After Mafuyu joins, the activities of Hatsu Nobuhiko and Hatsunobu "ギヴン" have been successfully launched.する中, the beginning of summer, the beginning of winter, the beginning of winter, the beginning of summer, and the beginning of summer. Kazuki, Haruki and Akihiko live together人のヴァイオリニスト・Muratuki Uzuki and the relationship を続けていて・・・.スクリーンで, Haruki and Akihiko, Ugetsu no love, rolling and moving, outす――!